Monday, May 12, 2008

Leaving in Style

My kids threw me a baby shower on Friday. It was pretty cute. The kids decorated onesies that said such precious things as "Ladies Man" and "My mom's a whale". I'm not joking! A while back, one of my students had to present a current event and to get the audience's attention he started his speech about an orca stuck along the Oregon coast by saying and pointing in my general direction "Look! A Whale!". I promptly stopped the student and asked, "are you calling your pregnant teacher a whale?" The whole class burst in laughter, I about peed my pants and the speaker started crying and ran out of the room. It was brilliant! I know that I shouldn't laugh about making one of my students cry, but I'm that kind of teacher...

We played "Guess Mrs. Lindsey's circumference". That was a ton of fun. I had a few usual suspects that yelled out "100 inches" and others, that I assume wanted to earn an A that said, "oh, she's probably only about 3o inches". The big winner was 44.5!!!! I was told by my mom that that was not too big, but Jesus! That's a hell of a waist size. I guess nothing is sacred at this point, but I'll spare you my other measurements. And, no, they were not taken in front of my class...

Today was my first day off and I did not even check my work email until 11:30. That's a new P.R. Good thing I checked because my sub was trying to get a hold of me. Apparently, I did not leave as thorough of notes as I had thought. I'm starting to relinquish some control in that department so I can be good and strong for my next opportunity where I get to play "control freak"... in the mom department. We head to the doc tomorrow hopeful to hear if I'm dilated any more than last week. As of last Monday, I was at 1. I ate some spicy food over the weekend and was really tempted to drink some tonic water, but I withheld from doing so. I've been told there's a place here in Portland where preggos go to get their feet rubbed and have given birth within hours of the spa treatment. I'm game! Barefoot Sage Spa, here I come!!

1 comment:

molly said...

Hang in there! You're not a whale, believe me, there are plenty of women pregnant (and not) here in the south who make you look like a runway model. (No offense to any southerners reading this, but it's the truth.) Happy (late) First Mother's Day! Can't wait to see the little guy.